Originally Posted by Tin Soldier
Tried it. Upon further testing it appears as though 4G and Wifi will not function at the same time for some reason. When I turn on 4G and then attempt wifi tether or wifi hotspot the 4G shuts off. Also, if I turn on wifi manually, then turn on 4G, 4G will be stuck and never actually turn on until a reboot.
I messed around with this quite a bit to see if it was true every time. Let me know if I am the only one seeing these results. I use the wifi tether constantly as I travel around.
Thanks for making an awesome rom.
~Traveling Tek
Current Location | Traveling Tek
I made the same mistake. I was using tasker to turn on WIFI when wifi tether was activated, but i kept on getting log errors. I erased the task, and after, wifi tether works perfectly.