Originally Posted by shatner
Yeah thats my only real hang up about the EVO the lack of a keyboard, but it is so big. I am gonna give it a try. The TP2 keyboard, its da best. I can type on it w/o looking.
You should give it a shot, I got a Evo about a week ago. Going a physical keyboard to a on screen keyboard does take some getting used to but its not that big of a deal because the size of this beast! I can't really speak for the Epic because I don't own one. I'm sure its a great device I did try one out at a sprint store, only thing I wasn't really feeling was the UI and the keyboard does feel a little cheap. But nonetheless still a great device. But in my experience going from a TP2 to a EVO is a night and day difference. No lags, you can open apps and don't have to worry about running out of mem, data speeds are ridiculous compared to the TP2 even on 3g. You should definately dump the TP2 or keep it as a backup device in favor of one of these newer ones if you are looking for a better overall experience.