Thread: Wm7 on evo ?
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Old 11-18-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: Wm7 on evo ?

Originally Posted by OR78 View Post
Wirelessly posted (HTC Evo...SNAPPYDRAGON: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Why in the world would you want that memory hog on your
thought the EVO was "Oh so sweet on memory" compared to the TP2.. what, the "bad-ass EVO" cant even run winMO??? lmao whats the point of all the extra RAM and upgraded Processor if it cant even handle old ass OS' lol

Originally Posted by facemob View Post
come to detroit and i will see to it lol!!!
damn right!!! im from the area myself

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
2) Phones unlike computers are something you carry with you and can get lost, or often harder to replace components for..I don't think you'd be happy to find out your phone with illegal OS on it was "found" by the authorities or your carrier.

3) Ports usually require testers as the hardware is different..and getting testers publicly to do something illegal is usually not advisable
i still agree, but......... because you know, the cops or Sprint employees are usually the ones who find lost phones..... iPhone4 was lost, twice, no cops or employees found those its not likely..

and... we public test winMO roms.. technically every Rom developed and released to public is violating MS TOS by redistributing MS Office... we have a license to use said software, not distribute it out to others...

and we Tether publically, thats basically theft... especially on Android where carrier have a locked HotSpot which you need to pay $30 a month to use... but, you guys root the device, thus breaking that lock and illegally and freely use tethering...... its much different than winMO, since Sprint wont even add phone-as-modem plans for quite sometime.. SPrint offers the #30 add-on for hotspot, and everyone goes around it... This time Sprint DOES have a LOCK AND a PLAN to go along with it, and most Android users go around it... thats Theft ALL over the place right there...

so theres plenty of shady things people will publically involve themselves in.... If someone said "hey, i need testers for WP7 or WinMO on ANDROID, but just so you know, your taking risks...." you really think there'd be any shortage of people to sign up publically???? come on now.. and you can always release "trials" via IIRC and its even less likely some "authoratative entity" is gonna find out...

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
Lets drive the point home one more time. It will never be possible to install WM7 on any device since it does not exist, there is no such operating system. It is called Windows Phone 7 or WP7 it is a whole new incarnation and is not based on windows mobile.
this is what happens when you join a post 2 and a half months later and dont read through it... that was pointed out at the begining-over 2 months ago

Originally Posted by kasey348 View Post
yes I'm using windows 6.5 in my evo and works well as long you but the licence ore if you know how there is some tricks I'm using Windows because I need Excel and some other programs there I can use with Android
Dude!!!! PIC OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN - unless its you i made a VIP post about being a liar, your the 2nd person to try to say your running WINMO 6.5 on an EVO....

Where dude??? unless you ported it over yourself quitely all this time, which in this case, youd be a modding genius, tell US all.. where can you get a winMO 6.5 port for the EVO????!!!!!!!! your just flat out making things up, why??? do you feel important or something??
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 11-18-2010 at 02:32 PM.
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