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Old 11-17-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: █ VirusROM AnthraX Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █

Man this ROM rocks....I just dont know how to turn off the clock...I have read other threads where they say u have to download the old htcclock but I like this one bcuz the clock actually flips....I dunno if downloading the old htc will have the flipping in the clock...

Ok so I just have to say as much as I love the look and feel of this ROM I cant keep it bcuz of some issues....
1) issue is not being able to turn off the alarm...
2) when I send a pic mail I get an error (someone else had the same prob)....I have to send it a few time b4 it actually go thur.
3) downloading takes forever (tried downloadng and app from the app store and it took alot longer than normal, and that was based off how many times I have downloaded that app b4)
I think thats it...I really hope those issues can be fixed so I can reflash this rom.

:::UPDATE:::So after reflashing the downloading doesnt take as long as I thought...maybe I was I love Animated start up file (blood cells being infected) that sh*t is do I save or get acces to that...just incase I wanted to change anyone elses boot up screen?

:::UPDATE::::Ok so I figga out how to turn the alarm off....sitting here at my job testing out different methods...and its seems that when the alarm comes on all I had to do was just hit the power button to turn the screen back off and the alarm would stop....I did it a few time to see if that was actually the case and it worked every im cool with it....not having the "snooze", or "dismiss" options would be great but turning off the screen works just fine for im all I have to do now is get the mms to work the way it should...I think its still having problems sending mms...I dont always send mms however when I do send them I dont want to have any issuse doing if anyone else has found a fix or a "work around", can u plz spread the love on how to fix this issuse.....thanks.

Last edited by Acedooncoon; 11-19-2010 at 04:59 PM.
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