Re: If I have one more person ask me...
I think you have hit the nail on the head with the usability statement. I have worked in IT really my entire professional life, I have done help desk kind of stuff and when you hear jokes about people asking where the "any" key is its no joke. There are users out there that are not capable of understanding technology. Apple excels at making technology accessible. I used to spend hours and hours trying to explain to Mac users how to do something on a PC that only took a second on the mac but may take 15 mins on a pc to accomplish the same goal. The IPhone is exactly the same. You turn it on and it does what it does. You push the safari button it opens up and your done, google maps ditto. With windows mobile we have all had to learn that google maps was even available and where to go get and how to install it etc.
The user that doesnt know where the any key is or thinks his CDrom tray is a cup holder isnt going to be the least bit interested in carrying that machine they dont know how to use on their desk around in their pocket too.
I hope you all realize that we are the exceptions when it comes to the world of cell phones in general. I read a statistic not log ago that less than 10% of users that have cell phones that have camera's or music players ever even use the feature.