Originally Posted by speedfre/\k
This is to anyone with an opinion on the "startup.txt" file used WITHOUT the startup utility.
So I'm trying to become more dependent on the Android side of the TP2 and there is alot of different opinions on different startup.txt files out there... Personally I've had a few conversations with arrrghhh over on xda on the subject and it looks like you have the same exact hardware as me (yay ).
So any ideas? here is my current:
set ramsize 0x10000000
set ramaddr 0x10000000
set mtype 2292
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd.gz
set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off force_cdma=1 gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=2 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800 rel_path=andboot hw3d.force=1 north_am_dialing=1 physkeyboard=rhod400"
Well you have some deprecated stuff in there, but it doesn't really hurt anything the kernel would just ignore it. Is there something wrong...? I guess I don't get why you think we can improve the startup.txt
So I modified your entries so dupes/deprecated stuff is gone.