Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
lots of swearing in that post, iphony/mighty rom. jk maybe vin will have a idea but i will go on a turd hunt to see what i can uncover.
saomeone asked for oZim cab, thanx cfey
Thanks for the reply. Also, my initial feeling regarding the available memory on 23146 version is not accureate. After some essential cab installation, the avail memory down to 63-65 mb as well, also disabled my igo8 TTS.
Anyone using igo8 here? My general understanding is that the TTS (Txt to Speak) voice depends on the available memory. Previously I got it work when the system was showing me only 20-30MB avail memory, but now even 60MB would mute it, I just don't get it. Is there a critial point?