Originally Posted by natemcnutty
The limit based on number of contacts is much higher, so you are being limited by the size of your contacts as a whole. Chances are it is because of your notes fields or other large data stored in the contacts. Do you link many of them with Facebook or save pictures for a lot of them?
There is also a known issue on some activesync implementations that don't do well with incomplete contacts where you don't have a first name or last name filled out. You could take a look at that as well.
Also, I can tell you that if you are syncing with a real Exchange server that is still running 2003, you may hit major performance problems when you have over 5,000 contacts in your primary address book.
I think answer number one is closer to the real problem. I do use notes extensively, with pictures and resumes. However, that being said, I can sync all the contacts with exchange and active sync in WinMo 6.5 without any problem and all the notes come across, but not the pics.