Originally Posted by teradog
you gotta try iphone today, screw the name phobia.. :>)) 10 steps up from easy, easy to change icons, got fav @ bottom... etc..
iphone today runs super smooth and is super simple to use. I noticed though if you are a texting fiend that the UI will freeze and revert back to sense until you soft reset.
TX has the most eye candy but is the least stable and is not fully functional.
SPB mobile shell has been around as a today replacement for a long time and with mskip and many other xda developers found in this thread
[UTIL] SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 [Tricks, Widgets, Themes, Other, FAQ, Config] - xda-developers is extremely customizable and can look and function like andoid with the proper tweaking. I'm still hoping someone can integrate some of the sense tabs like the way maxsense did so I can stop flashing ROM's that bug out.