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Old 11-15-2010, 10:33 AM
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Re: Evo 4g on Boost Mobile MMS problem

the evo on boost is done illegally bottom line. no way around it..people with tp2,instincts,or other sprint phones if they got it on boost through the old method of using which doesn't work anymore or by starting an account with a boost branded phone then calling boost to switch by giving the esn/meid dec numbers some reps will do it others will let you know you cant. some people keep calling till one rep does it. as for sprint exclusive phones they will not hear me again they will not no hero,evo,epic,moment etc. the system will not allow the dec number. so the only way is to illegally change the esn do all the research you want but there is no other way, people advertising it are only doing so illegally. yeah you can get it done but it's not done in a manner thats legal. I'm suprised they have not closed this thread? but at the least it does explain that this even though is becoming common people that don't know better don't realize it is done illegally. so you buy a phone or a service and don't realize that the person is modifiying not the phone software but the phone identity which is a big difference. rooting,roms,etc do not modify the identity no matter what. it's like trying to use someone elses social security number in a sense it's given to one person only, someone else using it is identity theft. same with esn using it on a different phone is identity phone theft even if you own the donor phone. by the way you people running around getting this done just so you know that phone has another phone out there that still works with the same info....which in time your account will get suspended if both phones are used at the same time. I wrote this not to give information but to alert people that can become victims and not know it.most forums just close threads and say that can't be discussed yeah maybe thats a good approach but then you have all these members not understanding why. I think all the forums that don't want this discussed should put up a sticky alerting members what this is and what are the consequences leave it at that and you wont get numerous threads about the subject. because it is going to become more popular due to craigslist and now you know.
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