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Old 03-02-2008, 12:12 AM
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Re: EVDO / Everything Unlimted Plan Issue

Finally got the problem resolved. I'm totally irritated though with Sprint. I honestly do not believe that their customer service can get any worse than it already is. I was right all along about what I felt the problem was. I FINALLY talked to someone in CS who actually listened to me and was able to solve the problem.

For whatever reason, when they put the new plan into effect, the wrong data code was input into the system. This caused my connections to be forced to RTT 1X. Once the proper code was put in, everything was fine. It's just a matter of finding someone who has a clue.

I spoke with two employees and two supervisors today and none of them were able to find the problem. It wasn't until I called in to check the status of my ticket (which I was lied to about, it was never created) that I spoke with someone who was able to solve this. What a disaster. They better get their problems solved soon.... Cheap plans are only going to take you so far. I use my phone for business and can't afford to deal with this kind of ridiculous corporate behavior.
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