Originally Posted by bteljuice
Hello guys,
I'm bit sad to be writing this post and to leave you guys, but the update was long overdue.
Just wanted to thank everyone here who helped me turn my TP2 into an amazing Device (one of the best HTC phones I had).
Big shout out to Kiowa, straightup, Japper, and the TWO AMAZING contributors Dave and Datboi. Thank you so much guys. I wouldn't be who I am without your help and continuous support. Props to you guys.
And no, I will not LEAVE NRG (NOT YET), as I have not finished with his AWESOME ROMS
But I will be migrating back to XDA as my Phone is GSM. i'll keep popping back once in a while to see how you guys are doing
Here's my upgrade.
I'll will stick around and flash my device till I sell it.

hate to see you leave bro but i understand, was good having you over here and sharing knowledge and just helping others, make sure to stop over from time to time to say hello, good luck and stay safe.