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Old 11-11-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
ahh forgot to mention it. It's just minor changes. Something about microphone and led lights. Panel down is still broken. Feel free to give it a try and report back.

Im still working on the modified framebuffer .. so i'll definitely announce that when its done.
Ok. I was wondering why you took out the code for the auto backlight control until now...
I got another SD card and started out using the same NBH from before you removed the auto backlight control. What happens is it boots with screen on, screen then turns off, then back on (once it hits the part of the rootfs), stays on for a bit then turns off again. When I press the power button it turns on for a second and then back off.

Now if I go back to my other SD card it works fine. The only thing I can think of is I have AdjBrightness installed and have it control the backlight.

So I installed AdjBrightness on the new SD, went to options and checked "Lock brightness".
I then flashed back to the NBH with with auto backlight and it worked just fine.

So... Can we add the auto control with this work around? Just until you get the above working..
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