Originally Posted by userme
We need to sue microsoft for not supporting any of the past windows mobile phone. Its so slow and feezes. Why are they are still selling windows mobile phone(6.5 and under)? They stopped releasing any tweaks or support for the older phone already. I have a touch pro 2 since january of this year and I am stuck with 2 yrs contract on this crappy mobile OS. If i knew they not gonna support tp2, I wouldn't have got this phone. After a month use it starts to slow down. I am tire of reflashing to different rom and restarting my phone like 3 to 4 times a day. I can't even install any appz because it will slow down the phone. Right now I am waiting for a completed version of android. I have no future plans to buy any Microsoft products again including xbox 360. I have switch my desktop operating system and migrate everything to Ubuntu. I hope windows 7 is dead on arrival.
To each his own. Using your position, I should sue Microsoft because my Win 95 PC won't run any of the new Office or IE products. Gosh, I might win and get to retire early.