Originally Posted by swlaraut
Thanks for the reply. I do have a rocket. Not only did I stop using cookie, I went old school and am using the 10/28 2.1 rom. I am OC'd at 748 and running quik menu, once you get used to the old program panel layouts this baby flies. I think that was why I was not impressed with the HTC Desire, even with the 1gig processer.
What I really want is the "panel"menu option in the new roms. Qmenu is OK, but do you or anyone have a menu replacement that compares to the panel layout?
lol, panel is about the only one you can't get!! if i weren't using spb (imo who's "Launcher" startmenu & octo cube task switcher are better yet..), I'd look into it... guessing NRG either built it or grabbed one on xda & fixed it.. If you haven't been around much, have you tried the new one NRG may be cooking in soon? Suppose to be real nice..
*edit* Winstart start menu, thanks to Monfro, here: #
Vid & DL here:
If you like the orig NRG & Panel, then you should like this one!
Oh, BTW: Thanks to ooxteme for starting this
thread about
SKYFIRE dire (DOA).. there's now a replacement..
uZard browser...
does flash & channel surfing dot net..