Originally Posted by chris1683
The link to the originally shipped ruu for the evo is in my second post.
Yes I saw that, thank you. But that is the 2.1 version and not capable of playing most video content on the web, so it wouldn't really work well for testing my problem. And unless I am mistaken, it is unrooted and will remove my root status. I am looking for the RUU HTC made available for download when they officially released 2.2, that has been rendered safe for installing on a rooted phone, but otherwise unchanged and not cooked into a custom ROM. Or an RUU of any update since in same safe condition. I think I may have found a source over at XDA.
Device History: HTC Touch, Touch Pro, Touch Pro2, HTC EVO
Carrier: Sprint
ROM: Sprint Lovers 2.2
Kernel: #15