Originally Posted by MrPib
I disgree. Yeah, there are some problems, but I've been way too spoiled by Froyo on my TP2 to use WinMob again. Except when I need to take a picture, anyway!
If Verizon ever gets around to releasing a decent QWERTY Android-smartphone, I'll be all over it. The D/D2 keyboard is unusable, IMHO. Until then, I'm loving Android on my trusty old TP2.
Originally Posted by kcwebmonkey
i agree 100% with MrPib. Haven't seen anything out there with a better KB than the TP2
Don't get me wrong, I load up android every morning, and just leave it on winmo at night, but there are also times during the day when I have to jump back to winmo due to batt life or receiving a MMS for business (yeah, there are still peeps out there that would rather use mms over e-mail for pics). And there is still the occasional force close or rebooting out of the blue. But all in all, I'm happier than a pig in poop with my droid port. And no, there is no other kb that even comes close!