Originally Posted by argentinito
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But not all appli. Can be move to sd card i have thiz appli. Apply2sd n i have si many appli. That cant be move to sd
I agree with this. my problem is that im rooted on a stock rom. apps2sd with froyo doesn't transfer all apps to sd card. Ive been reading up on xda about dark tremors apps2sd, but if i read correctly stock sense roms won't work with it. my issue is if I go to a rom that has this already installed...since i have to wipe my phone first this will erase all of my apps and mods that are in internal memory, leaving me with nothing. Although from that point on I would be able to have the option to put the apps on my phone that froyo previously wouldn't allow, I lose everything. Won't I? Any one out there have any suggestions on what I can do here?