11-07-2010, 05:03 PM
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█ VirusROM AnthraX Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █
VirusROM AnthraX RC1 LINK
(First off HUGE THANKS to MYN, Netarchy, Damageless and KingxKlick for tons of modds )
RC 1
- Based on 3.30 OTA with Stock Kernel Baked In
- Deodexed
- All apks have been Zipaligned
- initd setup on first boot with several scripts (thanks Bugless Beast, Damagless, Netarchy and KingXklicK)
- Zipalign on first boot (Thanks Pete)
- Dalvik moved to data to save room (Thanks Netarchy)
- Permission fix on reboot (Thanks KingXklick)
- HD flip SENSE clock ported you can now add and move (Thanks MYN) (Can now set alarm with vanilla lockscreen and it will turn off )
- Custom boot screen (Thanks Wrxmemp)
- Custom animations (Thanks Myn)
- Transparent rosie and and app drawer (Thanks Myn)
- Custom Background (Thanks Cmylxgo)
- Custom Keyboard (thanks Virus)
- VERY VERY AWESOME Rosie Settings APP (Thanks MYN) (This allows you to map the right and left button to whatever you want !!)
- Custom Blue theme elements (Thanks Bright Silence)
- Stock wifi tether unlocked as well as usb tether (thanks Calk)
- Wifi tether app cooked in to with wep already setup 1234567890 is the pass (Thanks Calk)
- MMS compression fix (thanks Calk)
- 5mb Size increase for picture mail (Thanks Calk)
- Haptic Feedback removed from keyboard (Thanks Calk)
- Wireless Tether to 2.0.5 Pre11
- Lots more in a few
