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Old 11-06-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Upcoming Sprint phones w/ WinMo?

Originally Posted by demonlordoftheround View Post
As long as there are sites like ppcgeeks and xda, windows phone will never die.
If Microsoft has it's way, PPCgeeks and XDA will die. The big draw to these sites are hacking, upgrading and unlocking WM/WP phones. If it is locked down that much, where it can't be hacked open, the following to these sites will slow down quite a bit.

I even find myself visiting these sites less. When there was new WM builds every other day, I was here every day, now, no WM builds any more, no hack to put WP7 on every phone, maybe 1-3 times a week. Nothing new, so no reason to visit every day.

Just my thoughts...
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