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Old 11-06-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by demonlordoftheround View Post
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The only real problem with Sense it is that you are pretty much stuck with the layout as provided by HTC. With Android, widgets can be moved around to really create a customized interface.
Yes but lets be honest. We really aren't the average consumer. When we compare android to the old winmo it's because of the ability to tweak the os and flash different roms. We are the minority. The first thing any of us (users of sites such as this one) do when we get any new os is try to root/flash/tweak or just plain old make the os do things it didnt do right out the box. Demonlordoftheround kinda made the point i was trying to get at. My opinion was that most people (the majority) don't realize that android isn't sense or touchwiz. All the average consumer can do is customize the interface within sense. To someone like us sense or any other ui doesn't matter because nine times out of ten, we're just going to flash a custom rom anyway. My girlfriend has an evo, she loves everything about it. She says she loves android and the weather effects (of sense) are cute. She doesn't realize that its htc's sense ui that she's in love with. If it wasn't for me she would expect all phones running android to at the very least have what sense has. I could imagine there are many other android users thinking somewhere along the lines of her.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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