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Old 11-06-2010, 02:21 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Not exactly...while sense is a popular ui many people still opt to use launcher pro and adw launcher..the power of Android lies in it customization. realistically speaking at the moment its probably the closest alternative to the current winmo of having a pocket pc and a phone in one....and unlike winmo..Android is enjoying the new hardware and is taking advantages of the new processors/gpus and etc.

not only that, its also fairly customizable to the average consumer with the implementation of widgets.
I agree about being fairly customizable with widgets, but most people dont use launcher pro or adw launcher. Maybe most people that roam sites such as this one but not the average consumer. All they know is what they're told.If they know they like android then thats enough. They walk into the store looking for android phones. Not phones running sense or touchwiz. We research and understand that htc/samsung/dell etc all have their own ui's over android itself.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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