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Old 11-04-2010, 11:25 AM
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Covering my tracks: Sprint TP2 on T-Mobile

Sprint RhodiumW

1) Hard-SPL unlocked
2) SIM is unlocked (via XDA unlocker)
3) MSL is written down
4) Radio is flashed to 2.32.00WU
5) ROM is a CDMA WM6.5.x variant (Plutonium)

6) Is this thing ready for me to bring into a T-Mobile store and activate?

I've done a bit of searching, and what I've listen in points 1-5 seems to meet the necessary conditions for successful activation and proper operation I've found in my searches, but I just want to make sure I won't experience any hangups while I'm there. Any input?

tl;dr Is anything else necessary to active this CDMA device on a GSM network?
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