Originally Posted by pavanmaverick
Anyone have any information on getting the 3.5mm headset to work? Just so we are clear, not pressuring, just asking to see if anyone has any idea where its at.
No worries, but no progress thus far. Since only the CDMA phones have the 3.5mm jack, it's not going to be a very high priority unfortunately. I keep tryin to poke the devs to take another look at it now&then tho. Have you seen the workaround? It's not pretty, and it breaks all other audio.
Speakin of which, I never followed back up on this. Someone said it was working with the extUSB thingy, which I haven't thought about tracking down. Bah.
Originally Posted by ThrottleAbuse
So I tried the rename data.img trick and sure enough gmail would send emails out. No idea why.
Now I am trying to install the Reference build from 110110 and as soon as I click on it to install it from total commander I get an unsuccessful install error. I even tried to download the cab again with no luck. I deleted the entire andboot folder off my card.
Data.img's get messed up for all sorts of mysterious reasons, and break in mysterious ways...
With that said, don't use the cab. They're awful. Just extract the rar... Much easier IMHO and MUCH faster