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Old 11-02-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: What modifications are necessary to create a fork that re-enables the home button

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
I think I found a way to do it!!! I'm gonna sign up for C and C++ classes and learn the role of developer, and then in my spare time work on a labor of love and get the freaking button fixed for everyone!!! I should be ready in a few years.... Honestly, if it's that much of a PITA for people, do something usefull and learn to code and do it yourself. I would personally love to have the functionality back, but the fact remains that no pissing and moaning by anyone is gonna change it, unless the developers want it done, and it appears they don't, so let it go. If you want full functionality, go get an Evo, Epic, D2, Incredible, etc, there are plenty out there to choose from. I can't at this point get a full droid and I still love my TP2 so I'm happy with whatever the developers come out with. If I don't like it, no one is forcing me to use it. Does the change make me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, not really, but am I gonna piss and moan on a forum about it, while basically telling the developers who give up their free time to do this for nothing that they screwed up the port??? Not a chance in hell. Honestly if it was me doing the developing, I'd say the hell with it, don't want it, I'll keep the files to myself. The phone was made w/ WM on it. Because of guys like these developers, we're able to not only flash the phones to different ROMs, different radios, put different OS's on them, do all sorts of crap to make them just the way we want it. How bout a little respect for them and for all they've done for us so far. If they gave up on the project tomorrow, I'd still show them some thanks and appreciation for what they've given us to date!
Fortunately, you don't really have to learn any programming to revert the change thanks to the magic of git. As I promised, I am working on creating the kernel exactly as it is for the main thread with just the button mapping reverted.

Since I am on NAND at the moment, I have no way to test this. I will be posting a zImage/modules here in about an hour when I get back from my meeting (unless it runs short or long).
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