Originally Posted by Aquos1
Sorry, I'm busy protecting your freedom, so can't keep up with updates.
I don't think it's useless at all, it's VERY handy. How else am I supposed to switch between Wordfeud and the Browser?? I don't want to have to keep hitting home and then clicking on the app shortcut, way too many steps.
Just include the mapping for the "LONG-PRESS SLEEP BUTTON" in spare parts so people can turn it on if they please.
Ok buddy, let's drop the attitude. I really don't appreciate the 'I'm too important to do that' - like searching/reading is beneath you because you're "protecting my freedom".
With that said, we're
not going to add that to spare parts. That would require changes to the Android base, which isn't going to happen. Nate has taken pity on you all, and we may have a solution for it soon. So be patient, or keep your phone back. Those are your choices ATM.
Originally Posted by ThrottleAbuse
Build and system image are the same thing? So is the reference build a much better working build?
Eh, build and system image are fairly interchangeable. Reference is straight from stinebd, who pulls from AOSP - directly from Google basically. Reef takes that image and whips it into shape - with a theme, extra apps, etc. However, he hasn't made one in a while, so the reference build is more up-to-date. I actually feel blazn is smoother for some reason, and I prefer the look of it... but that's all personal preference.