Originally Posted by leadpoizon
Hmm... I'll see what I can whip up for this.
I am really sorry to hear that this happened.  Stealth tethering IS there, and I tested it myself; however, obviously something is wrong. TO EVERYONE: PLEASE DO NOT USE TETHERING UNTIL I'M DONE INVESTIGATING THIS. Wi-Fi Router should be fine, since it doesn't use fishy things like this.
I use alarms every morning, all three of them. They ring like they're supposed to. Let's see if someone else is having this issue.
I've been running solid since before I posted the ROM. I wonder what happened. Sorry to hear this happened, though. Any info on particular stuff you guys installed close to the time this happened?
Alls i've really installed were the tweaks you provided for your roms. Like sprint tv, nav, boot screen, etc.