Originally Posted by machineking369
by any chance are there any additional battery tweaks for this rom. Even though this is the most superior rom the battery still dies pretty quick. Any cab or reg edit solutions would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Hmm... I'll see what I can whip up for this.
Originally Posted by briggs
hmm I just gto a text message saying I had used over $50 of data, logged into my account and it says I have a 206 dollar data charge.... I was tethering yesterday and on other days but the charge only happened yesterday... I am supposed to have an unlimited data plan...
P.S. do the old quick link addition cabs work on this new version of sense?
EDIT: I just got off the phone with telus custoemr service they said that they were tethering charges. It appears stealth tethering is not working!
I am really sorry to hear that this happened.

Stealth tethering IS there, and I tested it myself; however, obviously something is wrong. TO EVERYONE: PLEASE DO NOT USE TETHERING UNTIL I'M DONE INVESTIGATING THIS. Wi-Fi Router should be fine, since it doesn't use fishy things like this.
Originally Posted by Alleus
how i can make that my alarms rings???
I use alarms every morning, all three of them. They ring like they're supposed to. Let's see if someone else is having this issue.
Originally Posted by machineking369
Hey lead i got a issue i wanted to let you know about. I never had this happen before on any of your roms or any rom for that matter. All of a sudden my phone froze so i soft reset the phone and when i did it got stuck at the windows screeen and woulden't move so i had to hard reset. Just thought id throw that out there. It was weird.
Originally Posted by mgk
Exact same thing happened to me this morning. Very strange. Glad I had a recent SPB Backup.
I've been running solid since before I posted the ROM. I wonder what happened. Sorry to hear this happened, though. Any info on particular stuff you guys installed close to the time this happened?