Originally Posted by josh3794
Well Oat I wanted to thank you for your ROMs and giving me a bit of extra life out of this old phone of mine.
I am however moving to a blackberry in 2 weeks here as the company has decided they want to standardize all phones. As this is a work phone I'm going to have to give it up. I hate to see it go.
Again thank you and keep up the good work.
Sorry to see you go, as you were a real contributor to this thread. I'll actually be looking at a crackberry too in the next couple of months when I upgrade my phone in January. I just hate the idea of the $10/mo surcharge for a 4G that does not exist in ABQ and their $120/mo everything family plan. Just doesn't compare now to my current family plan at about $80/mo for 3 lines, 2000 minutes, unlimited data, and unlimited text.