Originally Posted by syrguy1969
I can always trust Coz to toss in a plug for the power of the WX!!!!! 
It does rock on the 700wx, but then again...to get technical...the 700wx uses the
MSM-6500 chipset aka ARM 9 processor which sort of rocks.
Newer devices use the
MSM-7xxx series with the ARM 11 processor which...err..under-performs to put it nicely.
In other words on my 700wx, PointUI's animations were very fluid whereas on the Mogul is was choppy. This is the whole "slow graphics on HTC devices" controversy rearing it's head.
Another option to consider: kill SPB MS using a process viewer and now UPX (
UPX4PPC) that file and the other one--this will make the program even more zippy and save on ROM space.