Re: Lite O.a.T. ROMs | Because lite & O.a.T.s are good for you. | Updated Oct. 30, 20
Got the kitchen downloaded and incorporated the 21914 (6.5), 23138 (6.5.3), and 23569 (6.5.5) sys's. Now what exactly is the "something new" you would like to try, e.g., a light 2.5.2016 with RSS that can be activated via the Start menu or a quick link? I personally think that is the best version of Sense out there for the Diamond in terms of compatibility and performance. Finally, do you have an old .erv file so I can get an idea of what's been included in your ROMs?[/QUOTE]
I dont save the roms .erv. Hum, well i can install any apps via cabs the reason i went to you was how good reports and speed of rom. Everytime I tried to "cook" sense 2.5.xxxx into anything the phone would just slow down way to much... I was hoping your rom would give me a new life on this phone. Like you im probably going to android in december and also dont feel like paying $10 for 4G and no 4G availiablity here. So basically just a super lite rom with the minimum files to get sense running smoothly the one you stated 2.5.2016 should be just fine. Thank you again.