Originally Posted by solanoj34
hello reef how can i add this (" N American Dialing setting") to the cmdline manually
thanks for all the hard work
Originally Posted by riot1031
I am trying to move my android files into a folder of thier own to clean up my sdcard. I completely deleted everything, and created a new folder at the root of my card named Android. I then extracted the andboot folder into this folder. I used the startup utility to set the rel_path to Android\andboot and verified that it was in the startup.txt. Whenever I boot it says it can't find rootfs.img and will not load Android. If I move the andboot folder back to the root of my card, it loads fine. Any ideas?
Well I don't know how it's formatted for Sov's tool, but you need to use forward slashes. For example, mine is 2 folders deep - so mine looks like rel_path=Androids/TP2Blazn if my actual full path in Android would be /sdcard/Androids/TP2Blazn. Hope that makes sense. (Windows uses backslashes, pretty much every other system uses forward slashes... Linux, BSD, the interwebs...)