Originally Posted by sly
That's been answered a billion times  Just install NRG.ROM.Sprint.MMS.Settings-Boushh.cab from the paperclip
Ok, so I installed that cab and rebooted. I still get the "Invalid Argument" message. I can receive MMS messages just fine... and I could before I installed the cab. I hardly ever send picture messages.
Any idea?
did you say that you have been getting this message for the last couple of roms? what i would do if i was you would be to flash back to stock, hard reset and see if it does it with that rom, if it does then you have something wrong with the phone, if not then it's something with the way you are setting up the NRG rom or something your importing because no one else is having that issue which tells me it's something with the way you are flashing, a bad flash or the phones messed up, just my 2 cents.