Originally Posted by jpwhre
I had a notice saying my google sync was not auterized to re-enter my password. No luck. So i went online with evo and signed out of google.com. when i tried to log back in it said there was recent suspicous activity with my account, to select region and provide phone # and it would send me a confermation #. Got number and changed password then reloged in with google sync and new password. I then recieved 8 seperate emails show mail sent failed to all contacts. But one went thru and was a link that sent me to http://drugstorepillssite.com/ with link in outgoing mail of Please wait... my kid dropped my laptop and broke it few days ago so only have evo logged into net. This just happened a couple hours ago.
I just had the same thing happen to me last night! I also received 8 seperate emails that also failed. I would really like to know what is going on!!!