It's good to know there's a battery drain fix for CHT2.0, i used a new ROM with 1.8.5 because of this as the only reason, however since as a number of people also pointed out the same as i did, no more normal Energy Cookie builds, only fancy extra builds, like touch of glass, or Dinik, or Sencity, or GTX, but not plain Energy Cookie versions anymore currently.
Speaking of this, since Energy said he will be catching up on the forum's lately, starting with least used (we're close on that list) devices. I want to make this known for him to see.
@ Energy, I simply mentioned 2-3 time's about not having normal version Energy Cookie builds currently, and no response, and mentioned a 3rd time to please make one and you took it the wrong way and responded "You won't get far with that additude" (Not responding to someone just trying to point out since a lot of people like plain Energy cookie builds without the fancy stuff or ugly graphics the glass versions have, or the TOO plain look sencity has isn't being rude, just helpful and pointing out the obvious the hasn't changed to date still) nor does it make you any better if you think that IS being mean, when you could easily responded even once with "Oh, yeah, just forgot to include a normal build, will see about adding those again" (as ignoring is worse then someone simply mentioning that the regular versions aren't there for downloading anymore) you obviously see a number of people also wanting to currently download but can't, and mentioning the same thing i did to you, which is that we are simply hoping to see the beautiful regular version's of Energy Cookie roms (2.0 or 1.8.5, doesn't matter to us) specially since there's a new battery drain fix for CHT2.0 (awesome news BTW, i can go back to 2.0 now), and wanted to sincerely apologize to you if you honestly though i was sounding rude. I didn't mean to come across that way at all. Honestly. I know your extremely busy making so many roms, and the only reason i asked you a 3rd-4th time is you didn't respond to any other then once you said "@djdafreund,Huh??" like you didn't understand a word i said about "not currently having any Energy Cookie regular versions to download for Herman's", and i then tried just simply be more clear when asking again. I didn't mean it to sound demanding AT ALL. Read them again now to see, they don't even really sound that way. So again, i am VERY, VEEEERY greatful for your ROM's, and love them, and was ONLY simply asking if you could please make regular energy cookie rom's for us to download, like you've been for since ages.

Nothing more meant then pointing out in hopes it was just a hindsite for you at the time when you were making them, and saying it's odd that it's the first time in history really, that you made extra versions, but not just the regular one we all like also, without those fancy (to some) changed graphics. If you just decided to stop making the regular ones, that's ok too, at least let us know it's intentional you didn't make any this round. I've been using sencity (only one i liked closest to regular, other then lower bar icon's, some are messed up, message number in icon is cut off with selected circle around it, calender tab icon is smaller and partially cut off. Which are no fault of yours obviously, but probably just WIP from the Sencity creator.)