Originally Posted by syrguy1969
I don't think you will have any problems with it, A_C pulled it because of what happened, not because he was told to....if anyone does use this, here is a little tweak to enable the album art to change as the songs change (without it, the album art won't change at all):
Use a registry editor,at \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2P\,
AlwaysLoadAlbumArt,set the value is 1,now every albumart shows up~~
Really, mine changes just fine without the tweak. I have the folder organized by Artist, then by Album name, and I have the jpg file (renamed cover.jpg or folder.jpg) for the relevant album inside the actual folder.
I think the tweak works for songs with embedded album art, but enabling it will cause your battery to drain a tad bit faster. This method is far quicker than my long and tedious creating folders and dropping in album art tho