Originally Posted by eric12341
try slacker radio its much better in every respect. better audio quality, better stations,etc. the cab for it is attached to the end of my post.
I've used slacker and to say it compares to Sirius or XM, in my opinion, is a farce. And regardless, he's looking for a cab for XM...
Originally Posted by yazyazoo
Have you tried this out. It's for Sirius and it might work.
Just listened to Howard Stern.
GeeksToolbox Forums
Nope, just for sirius signons and although they're one big happy family now, you still can't use sirius to listen to XMa nd vice-versa.
You can always go to select radio or wunder radio (can't remember which one), although it's a pay app, but works for both sirius and XM along with a ton of other stations. Or go check out the forum for SX< they may have a fix up. It happens every so often when Sirius or XM changes stuff in their system.
OP: Here's a link from the developer of SX regarding some issues the app was having.