Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**
for now, heres a apn-conf.xml with SprintMMS added into it.. many carriers inside Sprint was not..
cant do much with it yet im assuming... plus not even sure i wrote it right lol.. ill get it though..
the .xmls inside the MMS.apk itself are binary(as stated) i have a feeling were gonna need to get inside that somehow as well..
im guessing the apn-conf.xml and the MMS.apk will need to be modded..
also playing around with Handcent-since it allows for Custom User Agent Spoofing...
Day 1(today) trials, so far no go...
so far nothing ive changed has taken away the ability to send messages though..
be back later
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"