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Old 10-27-2010, 03:19 AM
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Re: EVO 4G Powermat Wireless Charger Unboxing/Overview Video

Originally Posted by arsmithsr View Post
...So day 2 this morning the phone was under half a charge it was fully charged last night, So this is worse than not being plugged in at all it seems to actually drain the battery faster if the thing isn't charging it... basically overnight you have a near dead phone. Seems to defeat the whole purpose.
I'm not having odd battery drainage like you're experiencing... After reading your post, I fully charged my EVO and then left it on the pad for the past 4 hours... just checked the battery level and it's at 96%. So if it doesn't actually turn itself back on to recharge after a certain percentage drop, I assume it will be at around 92% after 8 hours of sleep. That's if I don't factor in the usual quick drop of % points in the upper percentages, otherwise it would be slightly higher. I have a decent amount of apps/widgets that auto-update btw. I'll keep testing, but so far our results vary dramatically. Not sure what's going on there... Are you still experiencing the extreme drain?

Btw, for those wondering, it takes about 2.5-3 hours to charge completely.
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