Originally Posted by eric12341
im judging based on how they treat anything mobile that has to do with MS they even give the win7 tablets bad ratings,and they always take shots at WM knowing that it was always meant to be a computer in ur pocket in which it does a great job at being. i can do 90% of what i do on my pc on my TP2 with the 6.1 stock rom. pinches tipejos tarados!
The problem with win7 tablets is its not efficient..win7 was not made for tablets...it was made to have better touchscreen support yes but not tablets. And yes many took shots at winmo...mostly since M$ called it dead..it kinda became a trend thing :/..that said since M$ has called it dead and is not pushing for it to be released with newer and better hardware..Android is starting to take its place little by little. I was hoping M$ would take the Android route of having a pocket pc and then just make it presentable to the public..but instead they went the iphone route f a closed platform
But either way...I found most of the reviews to be fair...if you expect them to say everything made by M$ is best thing since slice bread is pushing it...
I do personally think that the people who are pro Apple should not be reviewing it, same way someone pro M$ should not be reviewing their products..no one is truly neutral but a neutral review is usually whats best..and I found the WP7 reviews to be somewhat neutral...if anything a little bit pro M$
They have 1 or 2 people at engadget that are pro apple and apple sends them the products to review obviously >.>
Originally Posted by AZTECHKA
I agree... Some have tried setting themselves appart a little.
The Samsung with it's beautiful screen and slim profile comes to mind.
But all the others are pretty similar.
I just want to see it happen. Whatever it is...
I actually never understood that..Samsung has been claiming shortage of Super AMOLED yet they seem to be sticking it on everything...or is there really no shortage and they are just making excuses to their partners so they dont ask for it >.> lol