Originally Posted by oppman
Found this on XDA... testing it now
step 2: go into your apn settings
menu -> settings -> wireless & network settings -> Mobile Networks -> APN's
step 3: you should see an apn listed called android, click on it to edit the APN
step 4: change its settings so they match this
settings: APN
Name: internet
APN: Android
Proxy:<Not set>
Port:<Not set>
Username:<Not set>
Password:<Not set>
Server:<Not set>
MMSC: digit phone number)
MMS proxy:<Not set>
MMS Port: 80
Authentication Type:<Not set>
APN type:<Not set>
step 5: hit menu and choose save the apn
step 6: reboot
just did this.. works!!! can confirm working to my gfs friends' moment and on my own extra TP1s...
according to the xda thread, we should be able to recieve a link to the incoming pics(ill take that for now lol) but i cant get that part working