Originally Posted by jpwhre
Well wifi fix for touch diamond that works on stock/locked tp/tp2 doesnt work on android. Othetwize i wouldn't be rooted and worry about exploits like root. Andrfdoid doesn't have a registry to edit/mamage stock/locked. i'm mobile, a home connection isn't co$t effective.
An app won't be able to get root if you have super user installed because before using root it has to get permission from super user. I was talking about root itself...do you know how we root the phones? what happens is this, Android has an exploit..using this exploit we obtain root privileges..same for iphone jailbreaking...so even if your not rooted, a program can use the exploit to gain root access...
Originally Posted by jpwhre
And those jumping to android cuz of how many times you need to soft-reset, don't be fooled. Phone was on perma-freeze in last post. Rebooting now.
Idk I never once had to reboot my Epic due to hang >.> lol