Re: Stuck buttons
I found this to be a simple two minute fix, i followed the instructions of guy named TIGERHQ.
Simply peel back the button which has the problem by wedging a thin piece of material under it and lifting. This should not need to be forced greatly.
Under this button your should see a tear in a protective rubber "bubble" in this "bubble" you should notice a tiny black dot, this dot is in fact the button which is being pushed to activate the command. Around this button you should notice a small clear disk which has slipped off the black dot. Center this disk on the black dot using either tweezers or a tooth pick. Now place a small amount of super glue around the underside of the button "flap" you peeled off at the beginning, make sure the glue does not reach the plastic disk nor the black dot.
Apply a tiny pit of pressure for the glue to adherer to phones frame and your ready to go.
Although this is not what TIGERHQ said word for word, all thanks and commendations must go to him.