Originally Posted by aman1127
you can keep it off, its not a big deal. I dont believe that pay apps are any better than freeware (obviously since i love this site!)
Its not about that, its just that there are people out there who sell other people's work for money...rather then the developer who made it in the first place receiving donations...aka they are violating the developers rights who spent a lot of effort into making it work...
The main thing though is the stigma of the iphone sucking. I as well hate the iphone but its not the hardware. Its the restrictive closed source software. I wouldnt mind having an iphone (screen, camera, better processor) running android. That would be sweet.
Galaxy S?
lol..but yes a lot don't realize what makes Apple is not only the software but the harware..they ALWAYS put in better hardware then required to run current gen os. Even though I also hate Apple