Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
liked it but green theme was a bit much, bottom line was it run very fast/stable. updated op also.
Yeah the green theme is a too much for some,that was my personal rom.Try my CosmicBlue(with blue colors) roms they are faster,look way better and definitely alot more polished.
I might post another themed CosmicBlue rom based on latest EpicExperience with Twiz,its has CosmicBlue theme but more refined,true semitransparent notification bar,themed Twiz and more.But to be honest CosmicBlue AOSP is definitely more snappy than any of the EpicExperience roms,but EpicExperience has more features and still fast but not as fast as bubby323 AOSP-whicj is fastest ro to date in my opinion.