Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
so not true, try vins 5x once without doing any user tweaks you guys think help.
i know vins roms are stable why do u think i also said to try the 6.5 21916 based roms. that includes one by vin however i didnt stay with it because of the unacceptable problem in my sig.
Originally Posted by masetas
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
so i guess mighty is outdated?
of all those roms on the upgrade page which is more stable, faster, more multi tasking capable.
what differences have occured in the roms since May to now. besides cht 2.0
the multi tasking capable roms tend to be the barebones ones as the ones with sense suffer from memory leak. the stock 6.1 rom im on now has excellent stability and multitasking capabilities.