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Old 10-24-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I think I upgraded to a newer package in v2.0 that wasn't quite right. I'd never used it so I didn't notice. I've fixed it now though...

I'm still trying to get the kinks out of core 2017, 18 or 19. The scrolling in Sense SMS doesn't work with any of them. I've been trying the newer HTC messaging builds to see if I can get them to work, but it seems they only work with a SIM card in the phone. I don't have and don't really need a SIM card. So I'm thinking of sticking with 2016 for stability. I'm just not sure where I want to go yet, which is why things are slow
As far as sms goes, i would stick to stable/fast. If thats 16 then stay, no need to upgrade if the upgrade wont perform better or as good, at least. No prob on end key, havent used/noticed till i checked for you.

Couple ideas...also bubble skin wm sms ( i can find link and wvga example skin if you like), do a lil more skinning on cht (softkeys, etc.)

Thanks for the updates

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