Originally Posted by Sabroso
Hi O.a.T.
3) I'm using 25.2016.21681 (RssHub) w/theme
my question: Is this ROM the one you mention you use, I mean the "stark black"????
So my wish is just a lite version ROM when CHT 2.1 final be released
(wihtout Titanium and with no Wallpaper in Windows UI)
Thanks in advance, and really let us know how can we help you.
First, thanks for the kind words and the excellent report. Next, yes, I am personally using 2.5.2016/21681 with RSSHub, with no extra themes, but with many transparencies (clock, calendar, slider, etc.) cooked in. I manually cab in Voldeus' menu transparency mod which also gives me BG4All. The "stark black" I mention is my description of a wallpaper that I use. I'll post a couple of sceen shots after I get my phone of the wall charger. I will cook up and post a 2.5.2016/21681 without themes and without Titanium, but with RSS, next week. Finally, I am actually thinking of cooking up a CHT 2.0 Final, but it will probably be at least a week after 2.0 final is released to hopefully avoid another flash to a 2.1 final. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Sabroso
Very, very niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!