Originally Posted by AZTECHKA
Yeah... I heard the phone splits open like a sideways clamshell to expose the keyboard... Then the screen spins on axis with motorized servos while making the DROID sound so you can see the screen from within the clamshell. Then as it senses you begining to close the clamshell... The screen rotates back to it's original orientation allowing you to close the clamshell. There's no noise when you close the screen... Only when opeining it. The sensors and the chain drive for the servos are visible from within the clamshell via two narrow smoke tinted plexi glass windos on either side of the screen.
Ok... I made all that up TOO!!!
I guess im not the only one with an inside source and again i said his timeframes was off but this is really quick.
WOW looky here and i hear its msm8x55 and its testing.
XDA Exclusive: HTC Knight | xda-developers
update: its sprint version of the G2 so still waiting.