Originally Posted by mizzourob
3) Unfortunatley when I go to settings-personal-buttons there is not a way to set a long press of the end key to lock the phone (it appears the only way to do so is via the start menu)
I believe that I cooked a "Long Press End Key" package into v1.3 and v2.0 and v2.1 ROMS.
I'm not sure why it's not showing up under the personal\buttons\settings, but check:
Changing the "
AutoExecute" value to
2 will set the long press end key to automatically lock the phone.
Changing it to
1 will automatically toggle between airplane mode
and changing it to
3 will automatically toggle between vibrate and ringer.
Also changing the "
IsQuickListShow" value to
1 will pull up the quick list of options when one long presses the end key.
Can someone look and see if they have these strings in their registry?
Also, if you do, can you set it to show the quick list and tell me what options are provided to you in the quick list?